Every now and then, a kitchen goddess has to get out of the house. Previously I mentioned a horse that literally eats everything in our wallets. Seen above here, Sadie is a force to be reckoned with.

Hmmm, or maybe its the girl that rides her. Either way, they're both awfully good at pulling the heartstrings into little bitty knots. I took a break from my exciting life of web development and artistic endeavors (seen below) to spend 2 exciting weeks up in windy, cold, and dusty Waco for a horse show.

I took this girl here ....

this jumping machine here ....

and courtesy of our barn friends, the Richter girls, Grace and Georgia (who can both look glamorous no matter how much dust is in the air!), we took on Waco on behalf of our 'ghetto barn', Russell Equestrian Center, which we love very much, right down to the last duct-taped pair of chaps and faded charlie-brown christmas tree.

Our barn did not win the christmas decoration contest sadly, but every single member of our entourage was fully committed ....

From our faithful groom Carlos and studly Rockstar, who wanted to be in the christmas spirit (or at least eat it at a later time un-monitored) ...

or Colonel Santa, aka Colonel John Russell, former Olympian and local revered equestrian patriarch ....

our group brought it on for Waco. Here you've got, from left to right, Carlos, Brigid in front, Ana with a knee up, Colonel Russell in ropin' gloves, Shane and Georgia.

We strapped the girls into the golf cart for the bumpy and often helter-skelter jaunt
(did you know you can get up to 8 people on one golf cart?) to the jumping ring ....

and turned them loose with their speed-demon horses on the verticals, oxers and wayward christmas trees of the Waco christmas show ring.
My princess pair were rewarded with a 2nd place ribbon and a fair amount of carrots, mollasses cookies and caffeine for the one with the ear-to-ear grin. So, while I'd normally be doing more of this ----
or this ---
watching moments, like this, suits me just fine.
1 comment:
Hey suchil!
This is my favorite post yet! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....
a fab photo at every turn! or every scroll rather. Makes me want to tag along... tell that kiddo of yours when she gets to the olympics - I will come be her mommy's assistant for documenting!
oh and the writing.. damn girl..another creative outlet!
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