Some of my goddesses work in glamorous modern-day jobs ... in the chamber of commerce, as a realtor broker, as models, actresses and local businesswomen. Others are aspiring artists, fashion design students, working moms and more. Please meet Deserea Marshall, one of my kitchen goddesses with attitude!
A local graphic arts student and former model, Deserea is comfortable both in front of and behind the camera. She's sassy, knows what she wants in life and isn't about to be intimidated by anything! Let's hear some of what she has to say:
Me: Who are your female role models?
DM: The moms from Leave It To Beaver, The Brady Bunch, and Little House On The Prairie. I wrote an essay on this for my college entry exam!
Now those are some gutsy women. Whether navigating the rigors of a full household and making it look easy or bracing against the rough life of the prarie, our kitchen goddess knows how to choose role models with moxie! I wonder just how gutsy she is...
Me: Can you run in high heels?
DM: I modeled until I was 19, and then had three children back to back, so running in heels is in my blood!
Me: If you were going to challenge a man to a competition you knew you could win, what would it be?
DM: Scrabble! or child birth for sure!
That's right guys! You might have the dual exhaust system figured out on your trucks. You might even be able to bench-press your full body weight while crossing and uncrossing your toes, but that's one thing you can't do, that our goddesses can, and with grace under pressure.
While Deserea has strong roots to family and friends, she also knows what she respects when she sees it in local businesspeople, and that's the people who know how to balance work and family. Spoken like a true kitchen goddess!
Me: Who do you admire in the business world most?
DM: Successful people who are actually doing what they love to do and still family oriented, very rare these days!

Visit Deserea's site about her photography and artwork! www.myspace.com/JupiterImaging
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