me: so, you're finishing up with your degree here. What would you say is your strongest points in your studies?
SK: Keeping everything to the point, no dawdling, and still having dinner served at 5pm.
me: wow! I'm lucky to even be on my way to the grocery store at 5! If I were following you around at the grocery store, what would I see you putting into your cart?
SK: Cereal, syrup, herbal tea, coffee, macaroni and cheese dinners, and for my baking, sugar, flour, eggs, milk, vanilla extract.

me: Who do you think has done more for women’s rights than anyone else?
SK: Katherine Hepburn—she made wearing pants fashionably acceptable.
me: If you held an influential public office, what is the first thing you would do or change?
SK: I would demand better public transportation: devise routes for a light rail and employ people to start construction on it.
me: If you were to challenge a member of the opposite sex to a competition, knowing you could win, what competition would you choose?
SK: Sing the duet “Anything you can do, I can do better” from Annie Go Get Your Gun
I love our kitchen goddesses! These women are driven, funny and in all cases, hell on wheels. Sonia will be joining our kitchen on the First Friday exhibit night, so be sure to visit us! And now, I'll leave you with an exerpt from the always hilarious, 'How To Be A Good Wife' from a 1954 home ec book, with instructions on how a proper kitchen goddess would be expected to prepare for 5 pm.
"Minimize all noise. At the time of his arrival, eliminate all noise of the washer, dryer, dishwasher or vacuum. Try to encourage the children to be quiet. Be happy to see him. Greet him with a warm smile and be glad he is home"....
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