Every now and then, a kitchen goddess has to get out of the house. Previously I mentioned a horse that literally eats everything in our wallets. Seen above here, Sadie is a force to be reckoned with.

and courtesy of our barn friends, the Richter girls, Grace and Georgia (who can both look glamorous no matter how much dust is in the air!), we took on Waco on behalf of our 'ghetto barn', Russell Equestrian Center, which we love very much, right down to the last duct-taped pair of chaps and faded charlie-brown christmas tree.

our group brought it on for Waco. Here you've got, from left to right, Carlos, Brigid in front, Ana with a knee up, Colonel Russell in ropin' gloves, Shane and Georgia.

or this ---

watching moments, like this, suits me just fine.